TMHS Cell Phone Usage Procedures
Teachers will collect cell phones and turn it in to the principal's office. The principal will determine whether to return the item at the end of the day for the student to take home or whether the parent will be contacted to pick up the item. Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Cell phones may not be used during the school day and must remain turned off during the instructional day and not visible. School day for cell phones is defined as when your students arrives on campus until the 4:30 p.m. bell.
Cell phones will be collected and turned in to the principals office.
- 1st Offense: $15.00 charge and parent must collect phone.
- 2nd Offense: $15.00 charge, keep for 2 weeks, and parent must collect phone.
- 3rd Offense or more: $15.00 charge, keep for 6 weeks, and parent must collect phone.