International Studies
What is TMHS International Studies?
International Studies is a club that started in 2010 when a group of students decided that education was more than what you learn in a book... It is about becoming a student of the world!
Where have we gone?
1. Summer of 2012: Greece 2. Summer of 2014: Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, London 3. Summer of 2015: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji 4. Summer of 2016: The Grand Tour of Italy 5. Summer of 2017: Capital of the British Isles: Ireland, Scotland, London, Paris 6. Summer of 2018: Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Hungary, Krakow, Austria 7. Summer of 2019: Australia, New Zealand 8. Summer of 2022: Switzerland, Italy, and France 9. Summer of 2023: Ireland, England, and Scotland 10. Summer of 2024: Japan 11. Summer of 2025: Spain, Portugal, and France 12. Summer of 2026: Australia, New ZealandWho is able to travel?
1. TMISD students may enroll as early as their 8th grade year for travel at the end of their freshman year. 2. TMHS students may enroll and travel through the end of their junior year. Graduated seniors are unable to travel with this club. 3. Must be in good academic standing! 4. Must be in good *Code of Conduct* standing! 5. Must be able to pay off the trip prior to travel! 6. Must have or have the means to apply for a US Passport by designated date! 7. Must apply after the July Recruitment Period! 8. Must be able to attend monthly International Studies Club Meetings!